IIS 2022




    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive


    Rate is VAT exclusive



    By registering for this event, I affirm that the above information is true and correct, and I am the owner or the owner's duly authorized representative. I consent to the collection and use of my personal information for the purposes of event registration, communication, and coordination. This includes, but is not limited to, my name, contact details, and any other information necessary for event organization and communication.

    During the event, photographs and videos may be captured for promotional and social media purposes. By attending the event, I grant IBPAP the right to use these photographs and videos, which may include my image, for marketing and promotional materials, including social media posts.

    I hereby give my explicit and informed consent to share my personal information with companies that form part of this event. The information shared may include my name, contact details, and any other details provided during event registration. The purpose of sharing this information is to enable these companies to offer or improve their products or services related to this event, such as providing relevant updates, promotions, or invitations.

    I also understand that the information may be shared, transferred, and disclosed when necessary to protect the rights and interests of IBPAP, business partners, customers, or third parties, and to pursue legitimate interests, as required or permitted by law.

    By consenting to the above, I acknowledge that my personal information will be processed in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012. My information will be handled confidentially and securely, and will not be disclosed to any third parties without my explicit consent, except as required by law.

    I acknowledge that I have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. If I wish to exercise my rights under the Data Privacy Act, such as accessing or correcting my personal information, withdrawing my consent, or lodging a complaint, I can contact the Data Protection Officer at dpo@ibpap.org.

    By registering for this event and providing this consent, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms as stated above.

    Kindly wait for a copy of the billing statement from IBPAP, before processing the payment.

    Please email your proof of payment to joannongyot@ibpap.org  or kristelmaeaguado@ibpap.org for the issuance of IBPAP Official Receipt and confirmation of your registration. To know more about the registration terms & conditions and available payment methods, please click here.